test Bearing the full financial responsibility for unexpected vehicle damage or problems that may or may not occur to your vehicle can certainly feel terrifying. When you're financing a used vehicle, make sure your investment is protected. That’s why so many buyers choose to add a warranty to their purchase.
A quality used car warranty provides peace of mind knowing that if your vehicle has an unexpected breakdown or issues, it will be covered under your purchased warranty. Many buyers combine this payment with their initial car loan to simplify their payments. Plus it’s an easy way to make sure you can afford both the auto loan monthly payments along with warranty payments. Apply online today with F&M Auto Sales in Detroit and we’ll help you figure out all the financing options for your vehicle and service contract.
F&M Auto Sales offers four levels of coverage so you can choose the best vehicle service contract for your needs. We realize there can be many questions, but don’t be confused by warranties. Our vehicle service contracts are offered through the reputable Endurance Warranty Services. Let’s break down the options and benefits to see what level of coverage makes the most sense for your situation.

Level 1
F&M Auto’s vehicle service contract’s first level of coverage offers our buyers an option for affordable protection on the most important and expensive parts of your vehicle. This includes the engine, automatic/manual transmission, engine cooling system, and more!
Level 2
The second level available is a great mid-level for older vehicles. Get solid piece-of-mind protection with service contract coverage that includes everything from level one, plus the brakes, steering, electrical, air conditioning/heating, and more!
Level 3
This is our top-level vehicle service contract and gives you secure confidence for the road ahead. You get all the benefits of the previous levels with the addition of coverage for your drive axle, fuel system, suspension, and more!
Level 4
Ready for the ultimate worry-free driving experience? Our top-of-the-line coverage is one of the most comprehensive vehicle service contracts in the industry. F&M Auto’s Level 4 exclusionary coverage is so comprehensive it covers nearly EVERY mechanical, electrical, and high-tech component in your vehicle. You can check out everything that these levels cover in the image below!

Other Great Benefits
F&M Auto Sales is committed to the best customer service experience. All plans that are 12 months or longer include 24/7 access to personal concierge services for the life of your contract. The vehicle service contract pays the mechanic directly for your auto repairs, including all parts and labor. You’ll never have to pay upfront and wait to get reimbursed! The service contracts are also accepted everywhere by all licensed repair facilities nationwide.

One of the best features of financing a vehicle with a service contract at F&M Auto Sales is how they work with you and your budget. After selecting a great vehicle from our large inventory, get your vehicle covered for 3 months up to 5 years; for 1,000 miles a month or unlimited. Options start from $499 and up a year. Because of this flexibility, it’s easy to keep your overall payment right in your ideal budget range. Feel free to contact us at 313-488-2191 for any other questions and personalized pricing options.